Hung out with some of Daria's friends the other night, Caitlin and Si, good people! Anyway we discussed Captain Planet and it made me think; 'who is the best captain?' Now, after some debate I have narrowed it down to 4 main contenders.
Number 1: Captain Planet
Now, obviously this would not make most people's shortlist of 'captains' but because he was the inspiration for the list he kinda has to be there. Pretty simple, hates global warming, loves mulletz. I have no idea where he came from or anything but remember that one of his rouge's gallery looked like a pig.
Number 2: Captain America
Well, he's dead I know, but we'll focus on classic Cap here. A real good guy. The leader of the Avengers and the Invaders for about a trillion years, and I'm pretty sure he must have fooled around with The Scarlet Witch, The Black Widow or Tigra sometime (or all of the above.) Loves freedom fries, Hates Nazis. His rogues gallery is freaking MODOK.
Number 3: Captain Marvel
An alien. A Dead Alien with Cancer. Still SO rad, literally look at this guy. Loves his wife, hates cancer. He was killed by Nitro.
Number 4: Captain Britain
Fucking means business with a flag on his chest. He takes names, has a cousin in the X Men, protects Mother Britannia and ends it all up with a cup of Earl Grey. Milky. Loves London, hates the French. I'm pretty sure I saw him take down the X Men once or something? Anyway, Captain Britain is RAD.
So anyway, I'll get to thinking and let you know who wins and why, let me know what you think.
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